5 reason to workout on friday

TGIF, time to rest, right? Except, well, that’d be a mistake. Finishing off your week with a a good workout can provide an enormous amount of health benefits.

We know what you’re thinking — you’ve already shown up for the whole week. But here are five reasons you shouldn’t dismiss that Friday workout. Trust us, you’ll want to load up on those cardio-induced endorphins before the weekend.

5 Reasons to Feel Good About a Friday Workout

1. You’ll have more room to workout.
You’re not the only one who thought about skipping the gym — and a lot of people actually followed through with it. That works in your favor, because now you have VIP access to equipment and floor space that’s usually swarmed. Or, get on your group fitness game with Body Renew Premium Fitness Classes.

2. You’ll be crazy productive at work.
Having a cup of coffee in the morning may give you the boost you need to get your day started, but it’s nothing like what a workout high can offer. A study shows that high-impact exercise, like running, improves learning and performance on memory tests. Who knew that a quick workout and a few smiles was all you needed to take on the day?3. You’ll smile a lot more…like A LOT MORE 😃
It’s easy to sleep in, yes, but getting jacked up on exercise-high endorphins will help put a smile on your face. Even better, researchers found that smiling could be as stimulating for your brain as receiving up to 16,000 British pounds (that’s about $23,000 to you and I).

4. Your confidence will go through the roof.
If you work out before your happy hour, you’ll be way more likely to get someone’s number (if you want it, that is). Research shows that people have improved self-esteem after exercising, meaning you might not be as nervous about approaching a total stranger. Want to up your game even more? Take your workout outdoors. One study found that even a five-minute walk outdoors could help improve your mood, so you can strut your stuff feeling all sorts of sociable.

5. You’ll sleep so much better.
Weekends are for catching up on rest. And getting in a Friday workout will make your Saturday morning sleep in that much better. Studies show that those who get in at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity each week report a 65 percent improvement in sleep quality, plus they feel less sleepy throughout the day. What’s better: You can plan your Friday workout around the weight room, because researchers found that resistance exercise can help reboot your circadian rhythm, a major player in your sleep cycle. And if chronic sleep problems are an issue, another study found that four months of consistent exercise helped insomniacs net 45 minutes of extra sleep per night. So you’ll be winning all around, really.

BONUS - You’ll keep those weekend cravings in check.
You know that moment when you’ve been eating on point all week, but you find yourself caving to craving after craving? A Friday workout can help keep those rumblings in check. Researchers discovered that high-intensity exercise could help curb food cravings and help you make better choices throughout the weekend.


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